The rescuer visually sees where to place pads, when to stand clear and when it is safe to touch the victim. The 450P AED provides real-time feedback to help the rescuer perform effective CPR.
Uses HeartSine's practical Pad-Pak, incorporating the battery and electrodes in a single-use cartridge, which allows for monitoring of only 1 expiration date and only 1 item to replace after use. The Pad-Pak only needs to be replaced every 4 years, if not used, making it cost-effective for school budgets.
For children under 80 lbs, a Pediatric-Pak is available. Propiretary electrode technology, advanced and stable firmware and proprietary SCOPE Biphasic technology that adjusts for patient impedance differences, assesses rhythm and recommends whether defibrillation is needed. User-friendly 2-button operation. Medical authorization is required for this unit.